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- » Pretty Toxic: A new Documentary on the chemicals on your skin from cosmetics
- » 40% of IVF Treatments Are Unnecessary from Dr. Joseph Mercola
- » Paul Marik, MD tenured Professor of Medicine shares solution for Diabetes Type 2 from Mercola
- » Americans are Getting Fatter Over the Last 20 Years and American Laboratory Animals, Marmosets, Chimpanzees, Vervet Monkeys and Mice, and Domestic Dogs, Domestic Cats, Domestic and Feral Rats (Rural and Urban) are Getting Fatter Too
- » Study Shows Sunscreen Absorbed into the Body at Up to 360 Times More Than FDA Allows
Recent Posts
- » Pretty Toxic: A new Documentary on the chemicals on your skin from cosmetics
- » 40% of IVF Treatments Are Unnecessary from Dr. Joseph Mercola
- » Paul Marik, MD tenured Professor of Medicine shares solution for Diabetes Type 2 from Mercola
- » Americans are Getting Fatter Over the Last 20 Years and American Laboratory Animals, Marmosets, Chimpanzees, Vervet Monkeys and Mice, and Domestic Dogs, Domestic Cats, Domestic and Feral Rats (Rural and Urban) are Getting Fatter Too
- » Study Shows Sunscreen Absorbed into the Body at Up to 360 Times More Than FDA Allows
Pretty Toxic: A new Documentary on the chemicals on your skin from cosmetics
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onFrom Mercola:
- The documentary "Pretty Toxic" highlights real-life cases of severe health consequences from using seemingly harmless personal care products, emphasizing the need for stronger safety regulations
- The U.S. cosmetics industry operates under minimal regulation, with outdated laws from 1938 and no FDA authority to recall dangerous products, posing health risks to consumers
- Common ingredients in personal care products, such as phthalates, parabens and formaldehyde, have been linked to serious health issues including cancer, reproductive problems and hormone disruption
- Environmental concerns arise from personal care product chemicals entering water systems, with sunscreen pollution significantly impacting marine ecosystems, particularly coral reefs
- Consumers can make informed choices using resources like EWG's Skin Deep database, while supporting companies prioritizing safety and transparency, and advocating for stronger regulations and green chemistry education.
See the video:

40% of IVF Treatments Are Unnecessary from Dr. Joseph Mercola
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