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PMDD, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

No More Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, No More PMDD, No More Cramping
Lori describes her recovery from PMDD, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.
Lori T.  June 26, 2018 Broadway, VA

My Health Journey

I wish I had found Dr. Eckhart and his product Progestelle years ago.  I will give a brief description of my long list of health issues.  Im now 36 years old.  When I was 17 I got pregnant very easily and was not my plan.  Fast forward about 8 years I got married and my husband adopted my son.  I finally had my life in order and my husband and I wanted to add to our family.  After 18 months we finally fell pregnant only to result in a tubal pregnancy (miscarriage).  I knew something was wrong with my body.  I went to a specialist and tried 3 IUIs (Intrauterine insemination) without any success.  My husband and I decided to try IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) and thankfully we fell pregnant and had our little boy in 2010. 
He is now 8 but soon after giving birth I started feeling "OFF". My symptoms were severe stomach pain, blurry vision, joint pain, extreme fatigue, hair loss, depression and many other issues that left me to spend many days on the couch.  I truly felt as my body was shutting down and I had cancer or something that was killing me.  I was already on metformin for PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) which I had started when my youngest was about a year old.  I went to A LOT of doctors begging for help with no success.  Most of them acted like I was crazy and all these symptoms were in my head.  I had pictures of my swollen joints and chunks of hair that i had lost but they still didn't listen to me.  When they ran blood work it would come back normal or just slightly off (ex: I had low white blood count and issues there but since other things came back normal they ignored that). 
I finally took my health into my own hands since I was getting no help from anyone else.  The last procedure I had done was getting a tube down my throat into my stomach and a sweet nurse that did my IV asked my husband if I had ever tried a food elimination diet.  WHY hadn't any of the many many doctors I went to suggested I try a food elimination diet??? I have no idea!  I eliminated over time gluten, soy, dairy and sugar with success of me feeling 80% better within 3 days!  About a year ago I found an amazing doctor who listened to me and knew a lot about autoimmune issues.  She found out I have Lyme disease and Addison's disease.  After starting medication for addisons (my body does not produce sufficient amount of cortisol) my Lyme went into remission!  I felt about 90% better but there was still something that wasn't right with my body. 
Every month I would turn into someone else.  I would have horrible depression and even suicidal thoughts.  I started searching for help and came across pmdd (premenstrual dysphoric disorder) and knew this was what I had.  I had read that women were getting full hysterectomies to get rid of pmdd.  I was ready to have the surgery and searched one more time for alternative help.  I came across Peter Eckharts product Progestelle and read his info on xenoestrogens.  I wondered why I had never heard of eliminating xenoestrogens and how they can cause a lot of health issues.  I decided to order Progestelle and give it a try before having a full hysterectomy.  I liked that Dr. Eckharts product was all natural and he had done a lot of research on these xenoestrogens.  I received progestelle and read the info, watched the videos that said to stop all xenoestrogens 2 to 3 months before starting progestelle or your symptoms could get worse.  I was so excited to try this product I started right away without eliminating xenoestrogens.  After about 2 weeks my breast swelled worse and I had major issues with my mood. 
I emailed Dr. Eckhart and he actually called me and we talked for about 45 min.  He listened to my health story, went through all my products I was using and supplements I was taking to try to find the problem.  Dr. Eckhart answered all my questions and explained I had to eliminate all xenoestrogens (even the shampoo that I hadn't changed).  After about 2 months I'm so excited to say I am PMDD free!  My breast don't swell at all, I dont get cramps and I haven't had any suicidal thoughts.  I did feel a little on edge this last cycle but it was nothing compared to what I had experienced before eliminating xenoestrogens.  I'm now using Progestelle for maintenance to help sleep issues and sex drive.
Dr. Eckhart is amazing and truly cares for the health of others.  He does not just want to sell a product he wants to see people get healthy.  He explains the importance of getting xenoestrogens out of your homes and lives.  I highly recommend ordering Progestelle.  You not only get a great product but more importantly you get Dr. Eckhart!  He has responded to well over 20 emails with questions and answers them all usually within hours of sending.  Unlike regular doctors I have dealt with, Dr. Eckhart knows what he is talking about and has spent years and years researching xenoestrogens to help people become healthy.  You will receive a lot of information and a list of replacement products so you don't have to try to figure out what to replace all the products you need to eliminate. 
Thank you so much Peter Eckhart and I hope writing this will help many others on their health journey!!
Lori T., June 26, 2018 Broadway, VA