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No Breast Pain and No Acne!

I’m doing very well. No breast pain and no acne! I’ve had some pain during menstruation but I’ve been drinking a lot of kombucha tea lately and had some cannabis so that’s no surprise. I just noticed my breasts look smaller and less full despite gaining some weight back.

Amber, Arizona, March 17, 2018

My acne has improved already.

Thank you loads-Hugs from St. Pete

Hello Dr.
Thanks so much for the convo we had. I appreciate the time you took.
I ordered an Estriolle and got a complementary Progestelle so thanks so much for that.

I have changed:
deodorant -baking powder mixed with a drop or 2 of castor oil to adhere a bit better
repellent (non deet thing that starts with P).
sunscreen (zinc)
lip balm (beeswax and mango butter combo)
hair conditioner: I just use a bit of olive oil or coconut oil.
toothpaste: I made a dry powder combo of baking soda and Kaolin clay.
skin "lotion": Im using olive or coconut oil.
all of these are coming with me in travel sizes to CR.

When i return from CR I will tackle the make up. Fortunately I don't wear much but I will start changing it slowly.

I don't use air fresheners,
I've tossed all the lavender and essential oils (tee tree too).

My acne has improved already.. I don't look like a pubescent 13 year old. LOL


S. From Tampa, Florida, May 23, 2022

Keep in touch.

Let me know how you do.

Hit me up when you get back.

-Eckhart, MD

Greetings from FL.
I hope all is well in Austin.

I have returned from Costa Rica and all is much better.

I reintroduced progestelle into my routine after 30 days of lowered/mimimized/zero'd out estrogen stuff (the stuff on purple list) and I had NO reaction to the Progestelle, no breakouts no nothing.

I have begun the 3 weeks on, 1 week off of Progesterone, with Estriol every/other day (3x p/w) and off that last week with Progesterone.

The symptoms associated with vaginal dryness have gone, but I do have the Vitamin E inserts close by in case.. I hope the vaginal walls are getting stronger, but at the moment, no way to test that theory. Maybe one day.

Thanks again. I'm going to Peru for a month in 30 days (on 8/17 I will be departing). I will bring Progesterone and Estriol with me to continue the regimen).

will i have to do this for the rest of my life?

S. from Tampa, Florida July 17, 2022

If you completely eliminate xenos, then no, you do not have to use this for the rest of your life.

-Eckhart, MD