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Premier ENDO Health Kit (Endovan, Progestelle, I-3-C 400 mg 60 caps)


Premier ENDO Health Kit (Endovan, Progestelle, I-3-C 400 mg 60 caps)


Product Description

  • Cutting out xenoestrogens, and taking progesterone helps endometriosis pain.
  • Taking Nattokinase for 3-9 months reduces adhesions in the abdominal cavity.
  • Indole-3-Carbinol reduces estradiol. Estradiol stimulates endometriosis to grow.
  • Supported by a Medical Doctor.
  • Booklet included lists xenoestrogens to avoid to get better.
  • List of Recommended Products devoid of xenoestrogens.

1 bottle Progestelle, 1 bottle Endovan, 1 bottle Indole-3-Carbinol 120 Caps 200 mg. Progesterone counters the effect of estrogen in the absence of xenoestrogens. Nattokinase dissolves blood clots and adhesions in the abdominal cavity. Indole-3-Carbinol reduces your own estradiol, but not xenoestrogens. Estradiol causes endometriosis to grow. Fibrovan contains LONG LIFE (compared to others - last 8-12 hours in the body vs. 2-3 hours in the body) Nattokinase with maltodextrin. Nattokinase dissolves blood clots and adhesions in the abdomen. Nattokinase dissolves fibrin. Fibrin is the "fiber" in a blood clot. Most but not all uterine fibroids (myomas) contain mostly fibrin. Discovered at the University of Chicago Medical Center by Dr. Sumi, Nattokinase safely dissolves the blood clots. Nattokinase also dissoves adhesions. Vitamin K2 is taken out of the Nattokinase in Fibrovan. Vitamin K is used by the body to clot blood. Thus, Nattokinase in Fibrovan is NOT contraindicated with Coumadin theoretically. Nattokinase The miracle enzyme discovered at the University of Chicago Medical School that safely and quickly disolves unhealthy clots and fibrin deposits in fibroids and endometriosis. Nattokinase is a potent fibrinolytic (clot-dissolving enzyme) extracted from a traditional Japanese cheese called Natto. Natto has been used as a food and a medical remedy for heart and vascular disease in Japanese culture for over 1000 years. Exciting research since 1980 has shown that Nattokinase helps our bodies dissolve and prevent unhealthy blood coagulation. It is now proven to have 4 times the clot dissolving power of plasmin! Plasmin is what our body produces to dissolve harmful blood clots or excess fibrin that can lead to many serious and fatal diseases including stroke and heart attack.

Follow this link for a very nice review paper on how Nattokinase can help with Cardiovascular diseases like stroke and heart attacks.



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