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Male Prostate Health

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) Natural Solution

walnut.jpgBenign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) is may or may not be helped with topical progesterone and the avoidance of xenoestrogens. In many cases, it seems that total emptying of the bladder and the ease of starting urination may or may not be helped by avoiding xenoestrogens and the use of topical progesterone. The prostate gland is slightly larger than a walnut, and can fit in a shot glass. The urethra or the tube that the urine goes through by tunneling through the center of the prostate gland. As the prostate gland begins to enlarge, the tunnel gets squeezed so it becomes narrower and narrower. Eventually, urine flow slows and in some cases of benign prostatic hypertrophy stops completely. This can be extremely painful to have urine buildup in the bladder and not be able to urinate it out.

Hypertrophy implies that the cells of the prostate are actually increasing in size. However, this is not true. There is actually an increase in cells in the prostate. The cells do not get larger for the prostate to enlarge. There are just more cells making the prostate larger. In reality, benign prostatic hypertrophy should actually be named benign prostatic hyperplasia. The prostate is getting bigger because there are more cells reproducing in the prostate making it bigger. The question is why are these cells in the prostate multiplying?

John Lee M.D. points out that the prostate gland is embryologically the same as the uterus in the female. We know what causes uterine cancer. Estradiol causes uterine cancer. Xenoestrogens also cause uterine cancer. Therefore, John Lee M.D. believed that benign prostatic hypertrophy is caused by estradiol and xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens fit into the estrogen receptor and and for many xenoestrogens cause cell proliferation.

In general, it is now believed that progesterone encourages cell differentiation and natural cell death (apoptosis) in hormone sensitive tissue like the prostate. In contrast, estrogen, in general, encourages cell proliferation and no differentiation.

Doctors B. Formby and TS Wiley found that progesterone inhibits the proliferation of normal breast epithelial cells in women and also found that progesterone inhibits proliferation of testtubes.jpgbreast cancer cells in the test tube. When progesterone was added to T47-D breast cancer cells in the test tube he found a 90% inhibition of cell proliferation after 72 hours. Cytofluorometric analysis of T 47- D breast cancer cells showed 43% had undergone apoptosis without signs of necrosis after 24 hours. Apoptosis means cell death as a normal part of the organisms development. After progesterone exposure for 72 hours 48% of the cells had undergone apoptosis and 40% demonstrated leaky membranes. He reports that bcl-2 was down regulated and p53 was up regulated. (If the gene bcl-2 dominates it will encourage cells to cancer. If the p53 gene dominates cell growth is controlled and the cancer does not occur. Agents that can activate p53 and deactivate bcl-2 is the hope to cure cancer.) The results show that progesterone at a concentration similar to the third trimester pregnancy exhibited a strong anti-proliferative effect when at least two breast cancer cell lines[1].

Conventional medicine believes that testosterone causes prostate cancer. However, young men have the highest testosterone levels. If it were true that testosterone was the main causative factor in prostate cancer, then, young men should have the highest prostate cancer rates. But this is not the case. I read of a study where Formby found that progesterone inhibited prostate cancer in the test tube and estradiol encouraged prostate cancer in the test tube. However, I could not find the journal article.



1. For Men: Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy: Helped By Topical Progeterone

2. Synthetic Progestins Not The Same As Natural Progesterone

3. Xenoestrogens Are Causing Your Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

4. Anything Put On Your Skin Is 10 Times The Oral Dose

5. Natural Progesterone Has Side Effects When Taken With Xenoestrogens

6. Summary For Getting Rid Of BPH

Synthetic Progestins Not The Same As Natural Progesterone

Unfortunately, most mainstream physicians do not know that there is a difference between natural bioidentical progesterone and synthetic brand-name progestins. Natural progesterone is the same bioidentical molecule your body makes. It cannot be patented since it is found in nature. Thus, these successful business model is to slightly modify natural progesterone and patent it. You can claim that the modified progesterone is a novel molecule, and then have a 17 year monopoly. These modified patented progesterones are called progestins. Once you have a monopoly, then you can charge excessive amounts of money and run a large marketing campaign. You can hire hundred thousand dollar year drug sales representatives.

In contrast, natural progesterone cannot be patented because it is found naturally in nature. There is nothing novel about it. They can be found chiefly over-the-counter in a topical cream or oil.

labequipment.jpgNatural progesterone is present in small amounts in men. Natural progesterone goes up in the latter half of the cycle a woman before the age of 35. Natural progesterone is made in the woman's body at 20 mg per day. Natural progesterone is used in pregnancy by the human body. Natural progesterone ramps up from 20 mg a day during the first trimester to 400 mg a day in the third trimester. If the progesterone is not sufficient for the baby's development, a miscarriage will result. Also if the woman is unknowingly taking an Herb that blocks progesterone at the receptor level, a miscarriage will result. Therefore, progesterone is neither male nor female, since progesterone levels are high in both male and female pregnancies. Progesterone is thought to be anticancer because it promotes cell differentiation and natural cell death, or apotosis.

In contrast, progestins are not found naturally in people. Progestins are brand name chemically modified progesterones. According to the physician's desk reference, they create mammary tumors in the Beagle dogs. Progestins are also implicated increase in cancer in humans. Progestins cause birth defects according to the physician's desk reference.

Natural progesterone is present in large amounts during pregnancy. Natural progesterone is routinely used by artificial insemination medical doctors to prevent miscarriage in their patients. Natural progesterone does not cause birth defects.

Xenoestrogens Are Causing Your Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

Xenoestrogens are chemicals or herbs that mimic estrogen. Some of these chemicals like chocolate, coffee, and cocoa butter (black African soap) actually increase estradiol levels in the human body. However, some chemicals actually look like estrogen to the estrogen receptor. They mimic estrogen. I would like to present two examples of chemicals and herbs that mimic estrogen. Remember that the prostate gland is embryologically analogous to to the uterus.

Margaret Schlumpf and her fellow researchers at the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Zurich, Switzerland found that sunscreen chemicals can pretend to be like estrogen creating developmental abnormalities in rats[2]. Six common chemicals for UV blocking used in sunscreens, lipsticks, and facial cosmetics were tested. Benzophenone-3, homosalate, 4-methy-benzylidene camphor (4-MBC), octyl-methoxycinnamate, and dimethy- PABA were found to behave like strong estrogen and cause cancer cells to proliferate. Only one UVA protector showed no activity, butyl-methoxydibenzoylmethane (B-MDM) showed no estrogen activity. 4-MBC was mixed with olive oil and applied to the rat topically. The topical 4-MBC double the rate of uterine growth before puberty in the rat. Schlumpf exclaimed, "That was scary, because we used concentrations that are in the range allowed in sunscreens." Three of the six chemicals created developmental abnormalities in the rats. This is one of the many examples of synthetic chemicals that mimic a hormone. If 4-MBC can double the rate of uterine growth in the rat, and the prostate gland is embryologically the same as the uterus, it may be that 4-MBC can also stimulate the prostate gland to grow in size and perhaps cause benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH).

I would like to give another example of a natural herb causing estrogen receptor stimulation and possibly causing benign prostatic hypertrophy otherwise known as BPH. Clifford Bloch, M.D., a pediatric endocrinologist, had five young boys as patients. You was seeing them for gynecomastia commonly known as "man boobs". He tested their own endogenous hormones teatreeoil.jpgand found them to be normal. Therefore, the gynecomastia was not from their own hormones because they were normal. Therefore, the cause of the gynecomastia had to be coming from the environment. He found through talking to the young boys and their parents that the parents were giving them tea tree oil and lavender oil. He suspected that these fragrant oils were causing the gynecomastia. He told the parents and children to stop using the lavender oil and tea tree oil. After 3 to 4 months, the gynecomastia disappeared. To further his hypothesis that lavender and tea tree oil mimicked estrogen, he put the lavender and tea tree oil separately into breast cancer cells that were sensitive to estrogen. He found that the lavender and tea tree oil made these breast cancer cells proliferate and multiply. He also found that when lavender oil and tea tree oil were placed with cells in a test tube sensitive to testosterone, both of these oils inhibited an androgen regulated gene. Thus, the boys were getting it twice. Estrogen receptors were being stimulated, and testosterone was being blocked. He concluded that lavender oil and tea tree oil were hormonally turning these boys into girls. Because of the estrogen stimulation, and the prostate gland is embryologically the same as the uterus, it may be likely that tea tree oil and lavender oil may cause your benign prostatic hypertrophy otherwise known as BPH.

If you buy any product from us, we will send you a list of chemicals and herbs that seem to be estrogenic. If you avoid these herbs, then this will help shrink your benign prostatic hypertrophy or BPH. We also have a recommended list of personal care products that are devoid of xenoestrogens. These products are not easy to find. I looked through 500 shampoos and could only find three that were acceptable. I looked through 500 conditioners and could only find two.

Anything Put On The Skin Is 10 Times The Oral Dose In Potency

Nicotine patches and estrogen patches are routinely used to deliver nicotine and estrogen into the human body. The dose of these patches is 10 times in potency compared to an oral dose. The reason why this is true is because anything taken orally is first pass metabolized 90% by the liver. However, anything put on the skin goes directly into the human body by passing the liver. Therefore, anything you put on the skin including laundry detergent, shampoo, conditioner, cosmetics, deodorant, lotion, and dryer sheets go directly into the body. You have to wonder why Americans now have a 67% chance of cancer. 67% of Americans will get cancer as of 2014. Therefore, I usually recommend to my patients to pay 10 times as much as attention to what they put on the skin than what they eat. In general, you have to be extremely careful what you put on the skin. There are certain foods like rosemary, oregano, coffee, chocolate and cocoa powder that I tell my patients to avoid. However, I emphasize that is extremely important to change all topicals on the skin because they are worth 10 times as much importance in potency.

Natural Progesterone Has Side Effects When Taken With Xenoestrogens

Taking natural progesterone with xenoestrogens is not a good thing. They are five outcomes of taking progesterone with xenoestrogens:

1. You completely avoid xenoestrogens. The prostate becomes normal without progesterone. No progesterone is needed. You can discontinue the progesterone after a while.

2. You take a few "weak" xenoestrogens with progesterone. The prostate gland becomes normal.

3. You take strong xenoestrogens with progesterone. Your prostate gland and your benign prostatic hypertrophy becomes worse.

4. You take xenoestrogens with progesterone. The progesterone "works" for the first two months. Then the progesterone does "not work" after two months.

5. You take progesterone with herbs that cause miscarriage. Herbs that cause miscarriage block progesterone at the receptor level. If you take herbs that cause miscarriage with rosemaryonboard.jpgprogesterone, then the progesterone is blocked, and the progesterone does not work. It seems as if there is nothing in the bottle.

The reason why this is true is that chronic xenoestrogen exposure shuts down your estrogen receptor sensitivity. Whenever you are exposed to xenoestrogens chronically, the body to protect itself shuts down the estrogen receptors. You become less sensitive to estrogen. This is analogous to going to a very noisy rock concert. Initially, the rock concert seems very loud. Then, after half an hour, the rock concert seems not very loud. Has the noise of the rock concert changed? No, of course not. You're sensitivity to the rock concert has changed. The body to protect itself against the high noise level shuts down the sensitivity of the ears. This is similar to what is happening with estrogen and xenoestrogens. Chronic xenoestrogens exposure leads to reduce sensitivity to xenoestrogens because the body is trying to shut down the estrogen receptors to protect itself. This biological phenomena is called down regulation.

When progesterone is taken, the estrogen receptors wake up. It seems now like you getting more estrogen even though you're not. Progesterone wakes up sleepy estrogen receptors. Please blame xenoestrogens. Do not blame progesterone. The reason why you feel worse taking progesterone is that you are simultaneously taking strong xenoestrogens. Taking progesterone wakes up sleepy estrogen receptors and now it seems that you're actually getting more estrogen. Do not blame progesterone, blame xenoestrogens.

The solution is to be free of xenoestrogens in your environment or 2 to 3 months and then take progesterone. Because xenoestrogens typically are fat-soluble, it may take 2 to 3 months for the xenoestrogens to wash out of the body. If you again to lose weight because of the diet, xenoestrogens will be released from the disappearing fat. If you buy any product from us we will include a list of recommended products that are free of xenoestrogens, and a list of chemicals and herbs that are estrogenic to avoid. I looked through 500 shampoos and I could only find three that were acceptable.

Summary For Getting Rid Of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

Avoid xenoestrogens because they are causing your benign prostatic hypertrophy or BPH. After you have avoid xenoestrogens for one to three months you may take progesterone. Progesterone helps normal cell death in the prostate. If you are taking weak xenoestrogens progesterone helps balance them out. You may have to wait 1 to 3 months after avoiding xenoestrogens and then take progesterone. This is because it may take one to three months for xenoestrogens to washout of your body.



1. Formby B., Wiley T. S. Progesterone inhibits growth and induces apoptosis in breast cancer cells: inverse effects on Bcl-2 and p53 Ann Clin Lab Sci 1998; 28 (6): 360-9.

2. Schlumpf, Margaret; Beata Cotton, Marianne Conscience, Vreni Haller, Beate Steinman, Walter Lichtensteiger. In vitro and in vivo estrogenicity of UV sunscreens. Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 109 (March 2001) pages 239-244.