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I Now Have Two Little Boys

Hello Dr. Eckhart,

I took your product nearly 4 years ago a few questions that you were kind enough to answer but I never really followed up with you to say thank you. I now have two little boys. I have an almost 3-year-old and a 7-month-old using your product really changed my life. At the time of using your product, I was honestly just trying to heal my body so that I could prepare for pregnancy. I did not know that your product would allow me to have my wonderful blessings. At the time I was in such a state of shock and overwhelmed by the possibility of being a mom that I never followed up with you on the results of your product. This is an amazing product I charted for 2 years without seeing any elevated temperatures indicating ovulation and would have probably continued following the same pattern had I not come across your product. I thank you with all of my being. I am an African American woman and some of the products that I use or don't use aren't listed on the sheet I wanted to know if marshmallow root has phytoestrogenic  properties.  
Thank You

Sharna, Maryland, March 17, 2018


Editor's Note:  Sharna was almost 37 years old when she first became pregnant.  Sharna was almost 40 when she became pregnant the second time.

We are Pregnant!

Hello Dr. Eckhart,

I wanted to contact you again to let you know that we went on the progesterone regiment full cycle for 2 months and the third month after ovulating and have found out that we are pregnant. I want to thank you for so much for all you do and I want to make sure I am proceeding correctly at this point. From what I can gather I am supposed to continue taking 60 mg per day, once in the morning and once in the evening. I was curious if there was any benefit to taking it a third time in the middle of the day. I also want to make sure I have enough to go me at least 3 months and possibly longer. I have about two and a half bottles left.

Thank you so much for everything, we are very excited.

Laura G.

Rocky Mount, Virginia  Dec. 4, 2018

We are doing well and recovering and enjoying our little bundle of joy.

We had our beautiful healthy baby girl on Sept 5 (her exact due date according to ovulation), we named her Natalie Elizabeth. It was a great pregnancy but a hard and intense labor. We are doing well and recovering and enjoying our little bundle of joy. Praising God for His blessings. I never ended up having to go on progesterone for this pregnancy but I followed your list protocol as best I could and know it was very helpful to keep my 43 year old body strong and balanced. I cannot thank you enough for your support through the years, the time you've spent with me on the phone (you were always available and such a support in the hardest times for me) and your prayers. You were a blessing from God for me through this journey. I pray great blessings on you this year.

Much thanks,
Laura G., Rocky Mount, Virginia, September 21, 2021

A Huge Thank You and Update!!

Dear Dr. Eckhart,

A year and half ago (2 Christmases ago) you were of great help and support when I was in the midst of miscarrying our fifth child. After that, I followed your recommendations in removing certain foods and personal supplies, and when I got pregnant last August I immediately began to use progestelle. By God’s grace this baby survived, even as I suffered through Covid in December and two complications from that (a UTI and bronchitis). Again, I just want to say thank you for all your recommendations for treatment when I had Covid and bronchitis. Your care I believe has contributed to my daughter being alive today.

So without further ado, we would like to introduce you to Myrtle Victoria Powers, born June 7th, 2022 weighing 8 lb 12 oz, 19.75” long.



With respect and kindest regards,
Lisa P., Catonsville, Maryland, June 17, 2022

Healthy baby boy born on Christmas Day!

Hi! Merry Christmas! I guess the title said it all! We had a healthy baby boy born Christmas Day at noon. I used 60 mg Progestelle every day right up until labor. I did use castor oil to get labor started, and had no problems from it. Just as you said. He is the sweetest little gift from God and we are so thankful! 
Wishing you the best and thankful for all your help, 
Megan S.