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Cold Hands and Feet

Cold Hands and Feet is From Magnesium Deficiency From Xenoestrogens

Xenoestrogens and your own estradiol unopposed by progesterone that is common among women, above the age of 35 causes a magnesium coldfeet.jpgdeficiency. A magnesium deficiency causes muscles to tense up. The muscular sheathe on your arteries tenses up, and decreases the diameter of your arteries. The diameter of the arteries decreases which causes a decrease in blood flow. Thus, your hands and feet are cold. Chocolate craving just before your period is a sure sign of a magnesium deficiency. Chocolate is high in magnesium. Because you have a magnesium deficiency, you crave chocolate which is high in magnesium. The chocolate craving will fade, when the magnesium intake is raised to adequate levels. However, it is more important to eliminate xenoestrogens from your environment, then, you will not have a magnesium deficiency. If you eliminate xenoestrogens from your environment, then the magnesium deficiency will go away and you will not have a chocolate craving.

Again, after menopause, progesterone levels are very low, close to less than 1% of the levels before the age of 35.

Table Of Contents


1. Cold Hands and Feet is From Magnesium Deficiency From Xenoestrogens

2. Little or No Magnesium in the Diet

3. Magnesium Deficiency Deposits Calcium in the Tissues - Not Bone

4. Magnesium Deficiency Deposits Microcalcifications in the Breast

5. Summary

Little or No Magnesium in the Diet

Magnesium is the third most common mineral in bone and increases calcium absorption and facilitates bone mineralization. Magnesium deficiency is common in the United States because of the way we grow food, food processing, and diet. Magnesium deficiency seems to be a greater problem than calcium deficiency. The serum level of magnesium is unreliable since it does not test the magnesium level inside the cells. If you want to confirm you have magnesium deficiency, you must order a red blood cell magnesium level. This is a better indicator of magnesium deficiency compared to magnesium serum levels. However, in practice, I just rely upon a chocolate craving to signal a magnesium deficiency. Or I just asked them if their coldhandsfeet.jpghands and feet are cold.

Magnesium is abundant in nuts, seeds, whole grains, and vegetables. Grains are high in magnesium. But refined grains are not high in magnesium because the outer fibrous coat along with its magnesium, and zinc is removed. Chemical fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus, and large amounts of potassium. Potassium is a magnesium antagonist. Liberal use of potassium results in foods that are lower in magnesium. Sugar and alcohol will also increase urinary excretion of magnesium. However, I found that eliminating xenoestrogens on the skin can eliminate chocolate craving and the provoking magnesium deficiency. So I believe that xenoestrogens on the skin are the primary cause of magnesium deficiency and all these dietary magnesium insufficiencies are secondary in nature to the xenoestrogen effect.

Magnesium Deficiency Deposits Calcium in the Tissues - Not Bone

Magnesium deficiency impairs the utilization of calcium for bone and results in calcium deposition in tissue instead of bone. When you have a magnesium deficiency, a calcium deficiency develops despite adequate calcium supplementation. When adequate magnesium is supplied calcium levels actually rise. Thus, adequate magnesium supplementation and healthy dietary choices are essential for healthy bones. Healthy bones also need an alkaline environment to grow. A common dose of magnesium is 300 to 400 mg per day. Do not use magnesium oxide because the absorption rate is 4%. I prefer to use a chelated magnesium.

Magnesium Deficiency Deposits Microcalcifications in the Breast

Many times calcium microcalcification deposits may be found in the breast as an incidental finding. Calcium microcalcifications may or may not be coldfeet2.jpgassociated with breast cancer. The next knee-jerk response from a mainstream physician is to biopsy the breast looking for a breast tumor. Many times a breast tumor is not found, but atypical cells are found. These atypical cells are questionable. Now, the patient is worried about breast cancer, but there is no clear-cut answer, even from the biopsy. In my opinion, the magnesium deficiency caused by xenoestrogens, causes calcium microcalcifications in the breast. Taking a good chelated magnesium to bowel tolerance usually helps dissolve the calcium microcalcifications. Avoiding xenoestrogens solves the root cause of why the calcium deposits. Taking progesterone can also help balance weak xenoestrogens.


When proper magnesium levels are reached in the body the cold hands and cold feet disappear. The cold hands and cold feet become warm hands and warm feet. The most important factor in magnesium deficiency is elimination of xenoestrogens on the skin. For the magnesium deficiency, I recommend taking a good chelated magnesium supplement temporarily until all the xenoestrogens are eliminated.

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