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Parasites with Bone Spurs, Tendonitis
Conclusion - Here is what Some of My Patients Do
1. Buy Fenbendazole - Adjust for your weight.
Fenbendazole only kills adult worms! Fenbendazole does not kill eggs. You need to take the Fenbendazole for 5 consecutive days. Then, wait 2-3 weeks for the eggs to hatch. Then, take Fenbendazole for 5 consecutive days again. The second 5 consecutive days are very important. For a 100 pound person, the dose of Fenbendazole is 2,300 mg/day. This is 6 capsules of the 444 mg capsules per day for a 100 pound woman. Usually, the dose for Fenbendzole is 3 days.
IMPORTANT: Some parasites are extremely tough and need a longer period of time. See the table at the end of the article. Some Parasites may take 10-14 days of Fenbendazole. This needs to be followed by a second round of Fenbendazole 2-3 weeks later after the eggs hatch.
If the person has parasites, the first day, the fenbendazole will kill worms, then the person will have a response to the dead parasites. This could be a headache, or muscle or joint pain. On the second day, there will be less parasites and the pain will be much less.
So, getting sick from the anti-parasite drug is not a reaction to the drug, but the dead parasites. If the person does not have parasites that are affected by the drug, then the person will not get sick.
So getting sick with the drug means that it is working killing parasites.
Usually, getting sick taking Fenbendazole means an allergic reaction to the dead parasites. If the allergic response is caught early, then the allergic response can be reversed by a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in 8 ounces of water. This baking soda water may be repeated 6 times per day. Also a benadryl can be taken.
To insure good absorption of Fenbendazole, some patients mix the Fenbendazole with olive oil. Others mix the Fenbendazole with butter, peanut butter, or yogurt. Absorption is boosted by 1.6 to 2.8 times.
In addition, some parasites may be extremely tough. The normal recommendation is for 3 days. However, some parasites may take as long as 14 days with higher doses. See Table 1 at the end of the article. It may be that 5 days is not enough. If you download the pdf found at the end of the article, the veterinarian writes that he had a dog with idiopathic diarrhea. This means he had a dog with diarrhea and he could not find anything in the stool exam. He gave fenbendazole for 5 days and the dog was cured. He comments that this is an additional use of fenbendazole, an "extra label" use.
So, if you get better with Fenbendazole, but are not fully "cured", it may be that you did not get all the parasites. You may have to increase the dose and take Fenbendazole for a longer time.
The normal absorption of fenbendazole is 1-2%. So, cows and horses have a long gut and may only require 10 mg/kg. However, dogs may require 50 mg/kg.
Do not take Febendazole with Tylenol (acetominophen). Do not take Fenbendazole with Chemotherapy. See here:
Based on research, fenbendazole can decrease the activity of certain cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes, particularly CYP1A2, meaning it can have an inhibitory effect on P450 activity in the liver, potentially impacting the metabolism of other drugs that rely on this enzyme pathway; however, the exact effect depends on the specific CYP isoform and the dosage of fenbendazole.
In summary, the present studies demonstrate that fenbendazole exacerbates the hepatotoxicity of acetaminophen in part by reducing hepatic GSH levels. At present, it is not known if there are other components of the xenobiotic clearance system, such as drug transporters, that are altered by fenbendazole. Fenbendazole treatment of rodents has been shown to be an effective method for controlling nematode infestations. However, in view of its ability to suppress hepatic GSH, as well as cyp1a2 enzyme activity, care should be taken in utilizing this anthelmintic drug in rodent studies.,anthelmintic%20drug%20in%20rodent%20studies.
2. Buy Ivermectin - Adjust for your weight.
The dose for Ivermectin is 12 mg once in the morning and 12 mg once in the evening for 2 consecutive days. This is the dose for the more nasty parasites. You can repeat this regime once or twice per year.
Taking both Ivermectin and Fenbendazole separately will eliminate almost all the different types of parasites, but not all the parasites. I recommend most of my patients to do both drugs. Both Ivermectin and Fenbendazole are very safe for the kidneys and liver. This type of safety is NOT true for the rest of the anti-parasiticals.
Take Fenbendazole and Ivermectin separately a week after each other.
Complete the Fenbendazole regime. THEN, complete the Ivermectin regime.
If you have got rid of most of the parasites, hopefully all, then after several months, the intestine will regenerate. Then, after another several months, many of the nutritional deficiencies will go away.
3. If the above does not work, Buy "Freedom, Cleanse, Restore".
Again, both Fenbendazole and Ivermectin are very safe drugs. You would have to go up 100 times the recommended dose on Fenbendazole to overdose. You would have to go up 40 times the recommended dose on Ivermectin to overdose.
Any bad reactions to Fenbendazole and Ivermectin are usually caused by an allergic response or toxic response to the dead worms.
4. The recommendation for killing parasite eggs.
Parasites lay microscopic eggs that can only be seen with a microscope. Parasites get onto clothing and then reinfect you. Here is the recommendation to kill parasite eggs for pin worms. These recommendations also apply to other worms as well.
Wash all the sheets, blankets, towels, and clothing in the house in hot water. Carefully clean everyone's fingernails (which may hold the worm eggs) and cut them short. Scrub toys, countertops, floors, and other surfaces the infected child has touched. Vacuum carpets.
5. Make sure to treat the whole household.
This includes dogs and cats. Otherwise, the parasites will ping pong back and forth to other members of the family. For some ranchers, this is impossible. So, ranchers may have to treat themselves every 6 months. People eat at restaurants. They don't know who is preparing their food. My wife and I will treat ourselves every year because of the high chance of getting parasites.
Parasites may cause Tendonitis, Back Pain, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain, Knee Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Macular Degeneration, Cataracts, Cardiac Arrhythmias, Bone Spurs, Sciatica, Maybe Spinal Stenosis, Muscle Cramping.
How do parasites do this?
Some parasites that live in the gut cause malabsorption. Malabsorption causes malnutrition in Sulfur and Magnesium. Malnutrition in Sulfur causes tendon weakness. Malnutrition in Magnesium causes build up of bone in wrong places like in Bone Spurs and Sciatica, and maybe Spinal Stenosis. Low Magnesium can cause Cardiac Arrhythmias, Muscle Cramps and Muscle Tremors as in Restless Leg Syndrome. Low Magnesium can also come from xenoestrogens manifesting as a Chocolate Craving just before the period. Chocolate is the food that is high in Magnesium.
Parasites are very common in the USA. According to the CDC, 14% of all United States Americans have a parasite. This is one out of a seven people. A patient can easily get a parasite from kissing their dog or cat.
The most common parasite symptom I see is tendon issues. Plantar fasciitis, lower back pain, shoulder pain, and knee pain may or may not be due to tendon weakness. The parasites can cause malabsorption in the gut. This leads to malabsorption. The malabsorption leads to sulfur deficiency and this leads to tendon weakness. Tendons need sulfur to be strong. An easy fix. Simply take 10 grams of MSM, 3 grams of Vitamin C, and 200 micrograms of Chromium Nicotinate or Chromium Polynicotinate (NOT Chromium Piconinate (poor absorption)). Start with 1 gram of MSM per day and work your way up. MSM will detox the patient also. This is uncommon, but watch for it. You may buy MSM from Get the Optimsm made in America. The Optimsm is slightly more expensive, but does not have a strange smell as the imported MSM does.
I also see bone spurs or calcified tendons. This is from a Magnesium Deficiency also from Malabsorption. The Magnesium deficiency CAUSES deposition of Calcium oxalate. The patient can also have micro calcifications in the breast. Again, the malabsorption is from the parasite It may be also possible that the patient may get a Sciatica or perhaps a stenosis of the spine. If the Magnesium Deficiency gets really bad, you can even get cardiac arrhythmias with pace maker insertions. Excess estrogen from xenoestrogens can also cause Magnesium Deficiency. This is also easily fixable. Just take Magnesium Citrate 600-800 mg/day or more until you get loose stools. Do not use any other Magnesium. The Citrate ion complexes with Calcium, and the Calcium Citrate is 567 times more soluble in water than the Calcium Oxalate. Magnesium Oxalate is also more soluble in water. DO NOT TAKE CALCIUM. CALCIUM WILL CANCEL OUT THE EFFECT OF TAKING MAGNESIUM. DO NOT TAKE CALCIUM.
The Magnesium Citrate is one of the best ways to get rid of calcifications. I had a patient with calcified uterine fibroids. She completely eliminated xenoestrogens and took Magnesium Citrate. Within 2-3 months, her stomach was flat. The fibroids were decalcified.
Patients are also drinking apple cider vinegar to get rid of calcifications. Also, the herb Chanca Piedra is used to get rid of calcifications in particular kidney stones.
If the parasite is numerous in the person’s gut and the person is older, really nasty things can happen. Malabsorption can occur with malnutrition. The patient has poor appetite and weight gain problems. Then, macular degeneration and cataracts can occur. Jonathan Wright, MD of the Tacoma Washington clinic treats macular degeneration with vitamins. Sometimes the oral vitamins don’t work, and he has to use IV vitamins. The reason why is that these patients have malabsorption. I suspect they have parasites.
How would a patient detect parasites? Usually, a fresh stool is given to the lab. A stool test is notoriously unreliable. Just because you get a negative stool test does NOT mean you have no parasites. However, most lab techs are not used to looking for parasites. Or they are looking for eggs and all the parasites are in the adult phase, and they miss them. So if you submit a stool test, and you find a parasite, then you know you have a parasite. However, it is possible that not all of the parasites were found. However, if the parasite stool test is negative, it means nothing. The lab tech could easily have missed it. The “Go To” place for testing for parasites for the USA is The head of the place has a PhD in parasitology and is from Egypt, from what I hear. The lab is in Scottsdale, Arizona. Again, the stool test is notoriously unreliable.
The Complete Blood Count, or CBC, is another unreliable way to test for parasites. If the patients has a Eosinophilia, it is indicative of either an allergy or parasites.
Nowadays, I don’t test for parasites any more, I simply shotgun treat them.
I have used “Cleanse, Freedom, Restore” from Again, the PhD at studied ancient Egyptian texts to get a good herbal blend to kill parasites. I used this on my Dad and myself. Take it for 60-90 days.
Patients also use Ivermectin and Panacur (fenbendazole). The Pancur is NOT approved for use in humans. Both of these drugs have excellent non toxic side effects compared to other Drugs. During the years between 2020 and 2022, there were only 4 overdoses of Ivermectin reported to one of the government agencies. This is compared to 30,000 ER visits per year for Tylenol overdose. There is also a wide therapeutic range. Patients have taken mistakenly enough to dose a horse and suffered no ill effects anecdotally. Some patients buy Ivermectin from and This horse paste ivermectin is for horses and not supposed to be for humans. But, I figure some horses are worth 2 million dollars and are worth more than me. So, Ivermectin for horses in America is probably pretty good.
You can take Ivermectin once or twice per year. Here is the drug information.
In a study posted online in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers from McGill and Michigan State Universities showed that ivermectin does not kill the worms directly. It binds to proteins secreted by young worms to block the host’s immune system. With the worm’s defenses down, white blood cells move in for the kill.
Ivermectin “is an extraordinarily safe drug,” Dr. Mackenzie added. “We’ve given out 25 million doses in Tanzania and had only two minor side effects.”
Again, there are 2000 parasites that afflict humans. Ivermectin can only kill a portion of them. Some people also like to take Panacur, a dog medicine not approved for humans. They believe that they can get a wide coverage by using both drugs.
Parasites are tricky. The Panacur only kills adult worms by inhibiting formation of microtubules. Panacur does not kill eggs. So, several doses of Panacur may be necessary. And if you guess the wrong maturation time of the worms, and they make eggs before you kill them, then you are still infected. Some patients buy Panacur from Amazon here. Some patients use the Goat Fenbendazole as it is cheaper. Sanare Fenbendazole seems to be ok. Make sure you do NOT buy FENBEN. FENBEN seems to be fake with lower amounts of fenbendazole.
Fenbendazole, the active ingredient in Panacur and Safe-Guard, it is a benzimidazole dewormer which prevents cell division. It is generally considered a safe drug, toxicity only occurring at 100x overdoses and in exotic species. Fenbendazole isn’t systemically absorbed and over 50% leaves the animal in feces. It must be given for at least 3 consecutive days to kill parasites, since it needs to halt cell division for a certain duration before it is fatal to the parasite. Fenbendazole only kills adult and baby worms. Fenbendazole does not kill eggs.
So, you have wait 2-4 weeks for the eggs to hatch and then treat with Fenbendazole for another 3 consecutive days. The second 3 consecutive days is very important. If you do not treat a second time, the eggs hatch and grow up to be adult worms again.
Naturally, the patient needs to treat the spouse, children, and dogs. Maybe the patient can treat presumptively every year for parasites.
Some breeds of dogs, including Collies, Australian Shepherds, Shetland Sheepdogs, Old English Sheepdogs, and English Sheepdogs, may have intolerance to ivermectin.
I recently talked to a veterinarian friend. He tries to follow eosinophilia and stool, looking for eggs. But parasites don't always produce eosinophilia or eggs that can be found. He treats with Mebendazole. Then, treats again with Mebendazole in 2-3 weeks. The second treatment of Mebendazole is very important because Mebendazole only kills adult worms. Mebendazole does not kill eggs. If this is unsuccessful, then he gives a dose of Ivermectin.
Other patients are using FOOD GRADE Diatomaceous Earth. These are microscopic sea shells. They get between the segments of the worms and wear away the soft parts. The worms die. The dose is 1 and increasing to 2 heaping tablespoons of Diatomaceous Earth. Diatomaceous Earth does NOT kill eggs, so you must take the Diatomaceous Earth long enough so that when the eggs hatch, the baby worms will get killed by the Diatomaceous Earth. You may have to take Diatomaceous Earth for 30 to 60 days. Take Diatomaceous Earth one hour before the meal or 2 hours after a meal to make for an empty stomach. Take Diatomaceous Earth for 10 days. Then take a 7 day Holiday. Then, take Diatomaceous Earth for 10 days again.
Here is one website and another website.
Sung, Chiropractic Doctor has a nice youtube video on parasites. He says that some patients canNOT tolerate the anti-parasitic herbs immediately. So, he supports the gut for 2 weeks using bile salts, aloe, glutamine, probiotics, and digestive enzymes. Then, he proceeds with the anti-parasite herbs. These herbs may be berberine, olive leaf, wormwood, black walnut, garlic, clove, oil of oregano.
Here are the products listed on his youtube.
GI Support-DFH GI Revive, Probiotic Supreme, Digestzymes
Bile support-Biotics Beta Plus or DHF LV-GB complex
Parasite Cleanse- DFH GI Microb-X or Biocidin Potent Broad Specturm
Oil of Oregano-Biotics A.D.P
Chronic Outcomes of Parasites in the Gut
Parasites in the gut leads to intestinal malabsorption. After intestinal malabsorption, certain nutrients can become deficient in the body. Many of these symptoms can take years to develop. You can have some of these symptoms and not others.
Magnesium Deficiency
A Magnesium deficiency leads to higher calcium levels because these two nutrients are inversely related to each other. As magnesium goes down calcium goes up. The body tries to maintain constant blood levels of magnesium at the expense of drawing magnesium out of the stores. The magnesium stores are in the bones and other tissues.
As calcium goes up, you can find calcifications. Calcifications can appear in the breast as micro calcifications. Calcifications can also cause bone spurs. Calcifications can also appear on tendons. Kidneys can develop calcium oxalate stones.
Low Magnesium and High Calcium causes muscle cramps. Magnesium deficiency causes uterine cramps, leg cramps, and neck muscle cramps.
The most common symptom of Magnesium Deficiency is a Chocolate Craving. Chocolate is high in Magnesium. So women especially right before their period have a chocolate craving.
In extreme cases, low Magnesium will cause heart arrhythmias. The patient will go to the ICU and doctors will unnecessarily install and insert a pacemaker and put the patient on beta blockers.
Take an easily absorbable 400-600 mg/day Magnesium such as Magnesium Taurate or Magnesium Citrate (to dissolve calcifications). Do NOT take Magnesium Oxide as absorption is poor.
Maybe the Person is taking Epson Salt Baths for Muscle Cramps
Parasites mess up the intestinal lining sometimes causing magnesium wasting. People will take Epson Salt baths to relieve the muscle cramps. And the Epson Salt Baths kind of works, but it doesn't offer a lasting long term solution. Well, the person has parasites. Get rid of the parasites and then the Epson Salt baths become unnecessary.
Sulphur Deficiency - Weak Tendons
Sulphur deficiency will cause tendon rips and tendonitis. Typically, I see neck pain, back pain, lower back pain and shoulder pain. These are all from weak tendons. I am not sure whether or not the sulfur deficiency can lead to torn meniscus or disc problems. Typically, I see plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis happens when the bottom of the foot has a tendon like membrane that becomes weak. Many times the patient will not list plantar fasciitis as problem because they have bought expensive orthotics for their shoes. So, they used to have plantar fasciitis, but now they don't because they bought the expensive custom made shoes. Years before they did not have plantar fasciitis because they did NOT have parasites and did not have weak tendons.
I have seen useless operations on patients backs that did not resolve the pain because of weak tendons. Weak tendons were from sulphur deficiency.
Eventually, if the Sulphur Deficiency goes on long enough arteries will become weak and there will be an aneurysm. The same material that makes up tendons seems to be wrapped around the arteries. With a sulphur deficiency the arteries become weak and an aneurysm can develop. Depending on where the aneurysm develops this can be fatal. In Sulphur Deficiency, I have seen aortic arch, femoral artery, and cerebral arteries develop aneurysms.
You can take 10 grams/day of MSM (bioavailable sulphur), 200-400 mcg/day of Chromium Nicotinate or Chromium Polynicotinate, and 3 gram/day of Vitamin C. Do NOT take Chromium Picolinate as absorption is poor.
Maybe Vitamin K Deficiency - Easy Bruising
Most of the Vitamin K that humans take in is made in the gut. The bacteria that live in the gut make the Vitamin K. People with chronic parasites in the gut may bruise easily. Let me emphasize that again. People with parasites in the gut have malabsorption problems and may also have an altered gut biome. This will create a Vitamin K deficiency.
You can take a triple Vitamin K.
When I give Vitamin K2 when supplementing with Vitamin D3, I prefer giving Vitamin K2 in the form of mk4 because it passes through the blood brain barrier. I don’t like using mk7 because mk7 does not pass through the blood brain barrier. Some of my patients are using doses as high as 45 mg/day of mk4. Vitamin K2 does NOT affect blood clotting.
Maybe Vitamin B Deficiency -Creepy crawling feeling, numbness, neuropathy
Intestinal malabsorption can lead to a creepy crawling feeling, numbness, ascending bilateral paresthesia on the legs. If the intestinal malabsorption is really bad, you may have to double the vitamin B dose. Take the Vitamin B in the morning to avoid insomnia.
Maybe Restless Leg Syndrome
Intestinal malabsorption can lead to a creepy crawling feeling, numbness, ascending bilateral paresthesia on the legs caused by a Vitamin B Deficiency. Twitching of muscles can be caused by a Magnesium Deficiency. The solution is simple. Get rid of the parasites. Take Vitamin B and Magnesium Taurate.
Maybe Vitamin D3 deficiency Despite Supplements
Well if you have intestinal malabsorption due to parasites, you can’t absorb the Vitamin D3.
Maybe Anemia - Low blood iron
If you have certain worms, and they are eating blood by latching on to the inside of your intestines. You will get anemia. Other parasites will not lead to anemia.
Maybe Wounds that Won’t Heal
I had one patient that had parasites for 10 years. She underwent an operation to remove her varicose veins. One wound would not heal after 6 weeks. She had malnutrition due to intestinal malabsorption. The malnutrition is why the wound would not heal.
Maybe Seeing Double
I had one patient that had difficulty seeing. He was seeing double. Malabsorption in the gut caused malnutrition caused his eye muscles to asymmetrically to be weak causing him to see double. He said that he would eat just because he knew he had to eat. He did not feel hungry.
Maybe Weird Food Reactions
I had one patient that used to eat beef without any problems. But during the last year, she would get nauseous by eating beef. One dose of ivermectin was taken. The next day she could eat beef without being nauseous.
Maybe a Loss of Appetite
This is a common but not universal symptom of having parasites. People just don't feel hungry. You see them eat a meal and leave much of it behind. They simply have no appetite.
Maybe Uncontrolled Appetite
Patients eat with an Uncontrolled Appetite
Maybe a Skinny Body
I have seen numerous patients that have a bad appetite. They would force themselves to eat. However, they are not able to gain weight. Many of their friends are envious. The woman seems to eat everything, and yet she does not gain weight. She has a great figure! She has parasites.
Maybe Small Stature
If the person has had parasites for life starting as a small child, the person may be small in stature. They think this is normal. All the children in the family may be small in stature. Everyone believes that this is genetic. However, it may be that the whole family has parasites. The person is small in stature because of chronic parasites and subsequent malnutrition.
Maybe Teeth Grinding at Night
People will have teeth grinding at night. This is a BIG Hallmark symptom. If you have teeth grinding at night, then likely you have parasites.
Maybe an Itchy Rectum (pin worms)
Pin worms come out at night from the rectum. A child waking up at night with an itchy rectum may indicate pinworms.
Maybe a Rash or Increased Allergies
Parasites may activate the immune system provoking a generalized hyperimmune response. Once the parasites are taken care of the rash goes away.
Maybe Aching Joints and Body - Maybe Fibromyalgia
Parasites give off chemicals and waste products that act as toxins to the body.
Maybe Sciatica from Inflammation
Parasites give off chemicals and waste products that inflame the body. The sciatic nerve travels through a "tunnel" to innervate the leg. The "tunnel" constricts because of the inflammation of the parasite toxins. The sciatic nerve is squished. Thus, you get pain from the sciatic nerve.
Maybe Apathy, Depression, and Anxiety
Parasite toxins may cause apathy, depression and anxiety.
Maybe Never Feeling Full
The person may eat a full meal and not feel full. Parasites will steal nutrients from your body and you don't feel full. Even though you just ate, the brain tells you that you are not full because of malnutrition.
Maybe Symptoms Vary and get Worse with the Lunar Cycle - Full Moon
Some parasites are more active during the Full Moon. See this youtube video on worms synced to the moon.
Maybe the Symptoms Started after a Foreign Trip
You may have had an upset stomach on your trip abroad. One of my patients started a 20 year long time of diarrhea after a trip to Moscow, Russia. Giardia is in the water supply. Many adults are asymptomatic carriers. This can also be labeled as IBS.
Maybe Some Fibromyalgia
Some cases of Fibromyalgia clears up with a parasite cleanse.
Maybe Some Autoimmune Disease
Some autoimmune diseases clear up after eliminating parasites.
Maybe Difficulty Breathing
Parasites give off toxins that may make the patient have difficulty breathing. Ridding the body of parasites caused his breathing to get back to normal.
Maybe Deafness
One patient had deafness in one ear that was cured after applying anti parasite drugs topically to the ear.
Maybe a Shuffling Gait
Some patients with long time parasite infections can have a shuffling gait. Once the parasites are gone the patient's gait goes back to normal.
Maybe a Vitamin B12 deficiency
Reversible Depression, Decreased Cognition, Shuffling Gait, Symmetric Paresthesia, Decreased 2 point Discrimination, Decreased Proprioception, Macrocytic Anemia (fatigue shortness of breath, exercise intolerance, arrhythmias).
Maybe Abdominal pain and Nausea in the morning.
This is Abdominal Pain and Nausea may be reversed if a small meal is taken.
Maybe Skin Subcutaneous Nodules
Larvae Cysts from worms blocks ducts in the skin
Maybe Obstruction
Larvae Cysts from worms can cause appendicitis, cholecystitis (bile duct blockage), and pancreatitis.
Maybe Epilepsy
Larvae Cysts are in the brain.
Maybe the Person Owns a Dog or a Cat
People anti-parasite their dog and cat every month. But they don't anti-parasite themselves. People kiss their Cat and Dog. Animals get parasites. The dog is an animal. The cat is an animal. A human is an animal. Why wouldn't a person anti-parasite themselves?
Roadblocks to Treating Parasites
Many times, I will see the wife have parasite issues, but the husband won’t have parasite issues. The husband can be a carrier. The husband may have a stronger immune system and not be as affected by the parasites. When you treat for parasites, you have to treat the whole family including the dogs.
My wife and I now treat ourselves for parasites every several years, just because it is so common a problem.
One of the problems that I constantly see is that the people don't want to acknowledge that have parasites. Somehow it carries a stigma that is different than having a bacterial infection such as a strep throat. I'll tell the patient that I suspect they have parasites and they will get very angry and deny it and walk away. This is a major issue in treating parasites. The woman may have frank symptoms of parasites and the husband will be a carrier. The husband does not want to admit that he may have parasites. So I am able to treat the wife, but the husband will stone wall me.
Here is a nice video on Parasites.
Other parasite symptoms from are:
The following is from an article on Fenbendazole. You will note that some parasites are tougher than others, and need a longer timer or higher dose. Cattle and goats need a much lower dose since their gut is much longer. You may find the original article here at: