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Obesity Epidemic is in part Created by Endocrine Disruptors

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I was watching Fed Up, a documentary on the Obesity Epidemic.   2 out of every 3 Americans are overweight.  The film claimed that the Obesity Epidemic was world wide.  The typical prescription given given was that we need to exercise more and eat less.  Despite this mantra, weight is still going up.  Also, 6 month old babies are now overweight.  How are you going to tell a 6 month old baby to eat less and exercise more?

Well, to me the answer in part is obvious.  We use estrogen synthetic hormones to fatten up cattle.  Estrogen makes the cattle build up fat.  We have been doing this on the American Ranch for 50 years.  

Xenoestrogen containing cosmetics, toiletries, laundry detergents tell the body to build up fat.  When you put these on the body, the body says, "I am going to build up fat!"    This is not rocket science.  We are doing the same things to ourselves as we are doing to the cattle.  These chemical and herbal estrogens when put on the body tell the body to build up fat!

Many of my patients claim that when they completely eliminate xenoestrogens and take Natural Progesterone, they will lose weight WITHOUT DIETING.  This is because they no longer have the xenoestrogens telling their body to make fat.  However, if they do NOT elminate xenoestrogens, and take Natural Progesterone, they may actually GAIN WEIGHT.  This is because the body to protect itself, shuts down its sensitivity to xenoestrogens.  When the patient takes Natural Progesterone, the estrogen receptors now wake up to their original sensitivity.  The estrogen receptors are now stimulated more.  The patient gains weight taking Natural Progesterone because of the increased sensitivity to the estrogen receptors.

Anyway, is there anyway to tell the makers of the Fed Up that they are missing an important component of the obesity epidemic?  They are missing the endocrine disruption part caused by xenoestrogens.